Leadership using Toyota Production System Principles (TPS)
Learn Leadership using TPS in 8 hours.
Call 865-282-1895 or email Jeremy at to schedule
Leadership using Toyota Production System Principles (TPS)
Everyone receives a physical workbook, 8 hours, $225 per person
History and Core Concepts of TPS and Relevance to Effective Leadership
Just-In-Time (JIT)
Eliminating Waste
Group Activity to Identify Opportunities for Continuous Improvement
Calculate Takt Time
Pull System Principles
Jidoka (automation with a human touch)
Sustaining Continuous Kaizen
Role-play Leadership Responses that Foster a Kaizen Mindset
Managing and Sustaining Quality Circles
Making A3 Reports for Problem Solving with Constructive Feedback
Role of Leadership in Creating a Lean Culture
Getting Employees to Provide Effective Feedback
Activity of Demonstration of Visual Management Tools and Techniques.
Empowering Teams through TPS
Case studies on Effective Team Empowerment and Respect in the Workplace
Make an Implementation Strategy
Developing and Sharing Group Plans
Production Leadership
Learn Production Leadership in 8 hours
$225 per person
Call 865-282-1895 or email Jeremy at to schedule
Production Leadership
Everyone receives a physical workbook, 8 hours, $225 per person
Work Toward your Company’s Mission Statement
Leadership Definition
Leaders vs. Managers
Communication Skills
Delegating Tasks
Conflict Resolution
Manager/Employee Coaching Roleplay
Conveying Rationale of Managements’ Decisions
Coaching in Action
Coaching Different Personalities
Keep the Workplace Collaborative and Professional
Goal Setting for Tasks
Microsoft Office 365 Integration and Teamwork
Learn Microsoft Office 365 Integration and Teamwork in 8 hours.
Call 865-282-1895 or email Jeremy at to schedule
Online or On-site, classroom training
Everyone receives a workbook with live training
Office 365:
, overview of apps, and what the apps accomplish
Filters and find, adding signature, out of office auto-reply, create folders, connect to OneDrive, calendars, groups, meetings, and contacts in People app
OneDrive for Business:
Unshared documents, saving documents, sharing documents, syncing on the computer, uploading and downloading files, organizing folders
Sharing documents, calendars, discussion boards, adding apps, shared settings, and working concurrently with coworkers
Create new team, add members to team, channels, audio and video chat, share files, share screen, install Apps, At Mention
Create and delete notebooks, pages, tables, formatting, adding pictures, audio and video, background graphics, tagging notes, export to PDF
Fundamentals Microsoft Office
Learn the Fundamentals of Microsoft Office in 8 hours.
Call 865-282-1895 or email Jeremy at to schedule
We provide laptops to use with on-site training
Everyone receives a paperback workbook
Navigating in Windows, making new folders and sub-folders
Using the File Explorer for shared and computer drives
Create a basic spreadsheet
Make a chart to put in PowerPoint
Select, copy, paste
Save as a new file and as a PDF
Templates, putting charts into presentation
How to create a simple slide show
How to take, edit and save screenshots on your computer
How to share your presentation
How to present a PowerPoint show
Recognize file extensions
Insert text, pictures, tables, videos of production processes
Format backgrounds and styles
Change font size and titles
Transitions, Animations and Running a Slide Show
Search for documents on computer
Make a word document
Insert text, pictures, tables
New email message to multiple recipients
Open and add attachment
Setting and accepting meeting requests
Sort and categorize emails by sender and by date
Signature line
Microsoft Power Apps
Learn Microsoft Power apps in 8 hours
Call 865-282-1895 or email Jeremy at to schedule
Microsoft Power Apps – 8 hours
Laptops are provided to use with on-site, classroom training
Everyone receives a physical workbook, 8 hours, $225 per personExplanation of Power Apps
Send Automatic Emails for Approval
Make a new Canvas App
Make App from Excel Data
Upload Pictures, Audio and Video
Preview App
Test App
Check for Errors
See Other Versions of App and Make Notes
Publish and Share App to Mobile and Desktop Devices
Make New Connections of Data Sources
Connect to OneDrive Data
Import SQL Server Data into App
Edit App in PowerApps Studio
Change App Name
Create Variable
Microsoft Dataverse Tables
Create an Entity
Power Apps in SharePoint
Six Sigma Training
Learn Six Sigma Training in 8 hours.
Call 865-282-1895 or email Jeremy at to schedule
Six Sigma Problem-Solving Everyone receives a paperback workbook, 8 hours, $225 per person
1. Define Choosing the right project for improvement Defining the problem and scope High level flow diagram of the process How to assemble a team Develop a communication plan and identify all stakeholders in the process Develop a project authorization request (project charter)
2. Measure Reason for Measure Phase What to measure Validate the reliability of your measurement tools Identify critical risk factors for processes Learn how to calculate your current process capability Measure any other factors that relate to your process
3. Analyze Test alternative process parameters Use relevant statistics to analyze data Determine most likely changes that will result in improvement Communicate with stakeholders Test the chosen improvement scenario Develop hypothesis statement
4. Improve Training relevant employees on the changes Implement your chosen process changes Update process documentation Evaluate statistically documentation of the improvements Validate the gains of the improvement change
5. Control Ensure changes are implemented that make a positive impact Ensure downstream departments are committed to the new process Develop an on-going data collection process to ensure changes remain effective Communicate process changes and financial impacts with all stakeholders Close the project to plan the next one
Level 1 – Microsoft Excel Foundation
Learn the Foundations of Microsoft Excel in 8 hours.
Call 865-282-1895 or email Jeremy at to schedule
We provide computers to use with on-site and public training and everyone receives a paperback workbook
Developing a Workbook
Save in PDF format
Password Protection
Insert rows and sheets
Rename and delete sheets
Moving and sheet colors
AutoFit columns
Name box
Custom Header/Footer
Charts and Sparklines
Watermark for printing
Remove Duplicates
Quick Access Toolbar
Customize Ribbon Tabs
Customize status bar
Paste Special & Transpose
Number Formatting
Hide columns and rows
Print & Formatting
Page Layout and Margins
Freeze data
Split Frames
Level 2 – Microsoft Excel PivotTables, PivotCharts and Macros
Learn Level 2 of Microsoft Excel in 8 hours.
Call 865-282-1895 or email Jeremy at to schedule
Laptops are provided to use with on-site, classroom training
Everyone receives a paperback workbook, 8 hours
1) Charts:
Filter/Sort, make tables out of data
Column, Bar, Line, Waterfall, Gantt, Pareto, Scatter, Control Charts
Excel templates, chart templates, snapshot in time charts
3D Maps
Data callouts
KPI (Key Performance Indicators)
Forecast sheet
Goal seek
Scenario Manager
Password Protection
2) PivotTables and PivotCharts:
Tables: why to use, naming, formatting
PivotTables: KPIs, filling in headings, clearing filters, copying
Cube functions: pointing to other Pivot Tables
Sum, count, average, min, max of data in PivotTables
Pivot Charts
Date Slider
3) Macros:
Developing a macro, macro enabled workbooks
Absolute vs Use Relative References in Macros
Macros to copy, paste, filter, sort, make charts
Macro shortcuts
Writing simple VBA code
Debugging VBA
Using macros in different Excel files
Level 3 – Excel Advanced Formulas
Learn Level 3 of Microsoft Excel in 8 hours.
Call 865-282-1895 or email Jeremy at to schedule
Online or laptops are provided to use on-site, 8 hours, $225
Everyone receives a workbook with live training
Advanced shortcuts
Show formulas
Trace precedents and dependents
Evaluate formulas
Profit Margin formula
Custom number formats including hours, minutes and seconds
Autofill series
Data validation using formulas and error messages
Naming data and using in formulas
If and, not, iferror, averageifs, countifs, sumifs
Dsum, dcount, dcounta, dmin, dmax and daverage
Formula errors
Nested formulas including if formulas with multiple outcomes
Date formulas including now, today, year, month, day
Calculating workdays between dates
Absolute, relative and mixed cell references
Advanced 3D referencing other files and sheets
Vlookup, Hlookup
Match, Index
Advanced Match to find every instance of a part number from a category or location Aggregate
Goal Seek and Scenario Manager
Project Day Formulas
Watch Window
Round up or down
Conditional formatting based on other columns and criteria
Trim, Lower, Upper, Proper, Left, Search, Find, Right, Mid formulas
Spreadsheet compare
Level 4 – Statistical Analysis in Excel
Learn Level 4 of Microsoft Excel in 8 hours.
Call 865-282-1895 or email Jeremy at to schedule
We provide computers to use
Everyone receives a paperback workbook, 8 hours
Anova (Analysis of Variance)
F value
Sum of Squares Between groups
Sum of Squares Within groups
Degrees of Freedom
Null hypothesis
Mean squares due to treatments
Mean squares of errors
Variance formula
Descriptive Statistics
Exponential Smoothing
F-Test Two-Sample for Variances
Fourier Analysis
Moving Average
Rank and Percentile
t-Test Paired Two Sample for Means
t-Test: Two-Sample Assuming Equal Variances
t-Test: Two-Sample Assuming Unequal Variances
z-Test: Two Sample for Means
Line charts, chart shortcuts, formatting
Pie Charts
Pareto chart
KPI (Key Performance Indicators)
Gantt chart
Control chart
Scatter chart
Level 5 – Excel Data Analysis and Visualization
Learn Level 5 of Excel in 2 days (16 hours).
Call 865-282-1895 or email Jeremy at to schedule
We provide computers to use with on-site training
Everyone receives a paperback workbook, 2-days (16-hours)
Part 1 – Importing data
Data analysis using Excel Pivot Tables with dashboards and slicers
Query SQL Server databases
Power Query to import individual Excel files from different folders
Importing CSV files and refreshing queries to automatically import data
Part 2 – Cleanse Data
Formatting, cleaning and transforming data to make it ready to analyze
Importing reports and combining columns
Using Excel tables and creating automatic and manual relationships
Making a calendar and other data tables and importing lists of business data
Part 3 – Model Data
Performance KPI Indicators for business activities
Create DAX (Data Analysis Expressions) calculated columns and measures
Analyzing 7-day, 10-day, 15-day, 30-day rolling averages in sales, inventory, labor hours, etc.
Analyzing year-to-year and month-to-month change in sales, expenses, labor hours, by products, departments, vendors, customers, etc.
Analyzing month-to-date, quarter-to-date, and year-to-date sales, expenses, labor hours
Analyzing percentage change of market share of your company year-to-year
Analyzing expansion of sales to new customers by units and dollar amounts
Analyzing repeat customer sales and periods where those customers had no sales
Financial report authoring
Advanced business ratios and dynamic ranking
Part 4 – Visualize Data
Format Pivot Tables and Pivot Charts for reports
Slice and filter, group and summarize data using cube functions
Timelines in Pivot Tables
Create measures from Pivot Tables
Tableau Prep and Desktop – Data Visualization with Dashboards
Power BI 1-day Training
Learn Microsoft Power Bi dashboard in 1 day in-person or online.
Call 865-282-1895 or email Jeremy at to schedule -
Power BI Report in a Day Training
1. Power Query
Import CSV, Excel, files from a folder, PDF, and websites
Use Power Query to transform data
Work with Power Query steps
Fill Empty Values
Split Columns
Rename Columns
Change Data Types of Columns
Add Columns from Examples
Remove Rows and Columns
Use First Rows as Headers
Append Queries
Make Conditional Columns
View Query Dependencies
2. Data Model and Visualization
Create Clustered Column Charts
Create Relationships in Data
Create Calculated Columns
Visual Filters
Format Visuals
Group Fields
Make Tree map Visuals
Drill-down in Visuals
Visual Interactions
Date Calendar
Hide Fields in Report View
Make Measures
Conditional Formatting Visuals
Use a Logo for Slicers
Make Gauge Visuals
Change Report Theme
Change Colors of Visuals
Add Text and Pictures to a Report
Use Bookmarks
3. Power BI Services
Publish a Report
Make a Dashboard
Use Q&A in a Dashboard
Generate Insights in a Dashboard
Add Alerts to Reports and Dashboards
Share Reports and Manage a Workspace
PL-300 Power BI 3-day Training
Learn Microsoft Power Bi in 3 days (24 hours) in-person or online.
Call 865-282-1895 or email Jeremy at to schedule
Each trainee receives a PDF of every Microsoft DAX formula, definition, syntax with examples
We provide computers to use with on-site training at your workplace and at our site. Everyone receives a paperback workbook
Part 1 – Importing data
Import multiple Excel and CSV files from multiple years, locations and tables
Connect to and import ERP data
Connect to data in SQL Server Analysis Services (SSAS)
Import reports and pivot and unpivot data
Import data from PDFs
Part 2 – Transform, Cleanse, and Format Data
Manually create tables
Create custom columns
Duplicate queries
Append queries
Merge queries
Refresh queries
Manage relationships in tables
Part 3 – Model Data
Administer business rules
Create calculated columns and measures using variable to make formulas understandable
DAX functions including sumx, averagex, sameperiodlastyear, datesytd, datesmtd, datesqtd, calculate,
blank, path, lookupvalue, switch, filter, countrows, rankx, allselected, all…
Time, part and corporate hierarchies
Part 4 – Visualize Data
Make interactive dashboards containing charts, gauges and visuals
Set interactions between visuals
Insert text, images, titles, URLs
Drill down and up in visuals
Visualize data on maps
Power BI services: create workspaces, upload reports, upload dashboards, settings
Schedule auto refreshes of datasets
Export Power BI data into Excel
Learn Negotiation in 8 hours
Call 865-282-1895 or email Jeremy at to schedule
Everyone receives a paperback workbook, 8 hours, $225 per person
Understanding BATNA (Best Alternative to a Negotiated Agreement) and WATNA (Worst Alternative to a Negotiated Agreement)
Build Rapport and Small Talk
Mirroring to Enhance Engagement
Exchange Information
Negotiating on the Phone, Email and In-person
Use Silence and Be Patient
Dealing with Personal Attacks
Controlling Your Emotions
Deciding When It's Time to Walk Away
Ask Open Ended Questions
Dealing with Tough Questions
Close EffectivelyItem description
Learn Communication in 8 hours
Call 865-282-1895 or email Jeremy at to schedule
Everyone receives a physical workbook, 8 hours, $225 per person
Two Truths and a Lie Icebreaker
Spontaneous Communication Activities
Preparing what you will Communicate
Vocal Exercises
Oral Clear and Articulate Speaking
Written Communication in Email and Documents
Exercise of Making a Speech in Front of the Room
Active Listening
Using and Understanding Body Language
Strategies for Handling Challenging Interactions
Influence and Persuasion
Clarity in Describing Instructions
Presenting using PowerPoint
Communicating on Teams Meetings, Chat and Email
Crisis and Mediation
Ensuring Goals are Met
Microsoft Project
Learn how to use Microsoft Project in 2 days (16 hours).
$600 per person
Call 865-282-1895 or email Jeremy at to schedule
Microsoft Project Professional – 2 days, $600 per person
Everyone receives a physical workbook
Day 1
Project Shortcuts
Navigating in Microsoft Project Desktop
Add Favorite Commands to Quick Access Menu
Schedule Options
Enter Tasks
Resources Work, Cost and Material Resources
Manage Over-allocated Resources
Fixed Units, Fixed Duration and Fixed Work
Make a Work Breakdown Structure
Create Dependencies on Tasks
Add More Columns to Tasks
Day 2
Work with Calendars
Set Status Date
Mark a Task as on Track
Set Baselines
Filter and Sort Tasks
Views and Tables
Add Tasks to Timeline
Make Custom Fields Using Formulas
Make Custom Reports and Print
Use Project Templates
Resource Sharing Across Projects
Make a Master Project and Subprojects
Work on your Project File in SharePoint
Microsoft Power Automate
Learn Microsoft Power Automate in 8 hours.
Call 865-282-1895 or email Jeremy at to schedule
Microsoft Power Automate
Everyone receives a paperback workbook, 8 hours, $225 per person
Description of Power Automate
How to access Power Automate
Learn how to make Automated, Instant and Scheduled Cloud Flows
Trigger flows
Learn how to share flows
Test flows
Learn how to make flows including:
Forward emails to a channel
Save email attachments to OneDrive
Save responses from Microsoft Forms to OneDrive
Create Planner tasks based on emailCopy files from one Microsoft Team to another
Autoreply to emails at a specified date in the future
Use Copilot to Make Flows
Introduction to Power Apps
Microsoft 365 Copilot
Learn Microsoft 365 Copilot in 8 hours
Call 865-282-1895 or email Jeremy at to schedule
Microsoft 365 Copilot – 8 hours
Laptops are provided to use with on-site, classroom training
Everyone receives a physical workbook, 8 hours, $225 per person
Learn how to use Large Language Models (LLMs)
How to set up Copilot 365
Catch up with important emails
Write emails faster without having to look up information
Summarize complicated emails
Summarize key points and suggest actions in Teams
Create presentations automatically from data in your account
Generate speaker notes
Rewrite content in Microsoft Word
Get details from long Word documents
Make marketing proposals and presentations
Make detailed notes and lists quickly
Analyze trends in data
Find outliers quickly
Make PivotTables with the click of a button
Make what-if analyses